E3D+VET project: in Spain to meet the partners and discuss about the project development

On the 10th and 11th of October, the 3rd transnational meeting of the E3D+VET project took place in Cartagena. This time, the Spanish partner and software developer, Pristalica, hosted us.
The project is carried out by six partners: CEIPES – International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development (Italy), CETEM – Technological Research Centre of Wood and Furniture of Murcia Region (Spain), STP – Styrian technology Park (Slovenia), Pristálica (Spain), KIT- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) and SEMKA – Seminar Berufliche Schulen Karlsruhe (Germany) and it is funded by the European Commission within Erasmus+ program, Key Action 2 (Strategic Partnership for Innovation and Exchange of good practices).
The main objective of this project is to train teachers non-computer design skilled in VET centres with the aim of using 3D printing across some of the school subjects. The use of this technology in VET schools will improve educational transversal skills of the students. Furthermore, it aims to enhance the concentration of students with poor motivation.
During the meeting the partners discussed about some important tasks of the project like:
- The analysis of the various methodologies that the partners are implementing for both teachers and students with detailed information on how to print in 3D and how to introduce this technology in their schools;
- The exercises developed in 3D by each partner that will be tested during the pilot phase of the project by the students and the development of STL files that students will print. In this phase the technical partners also gave feedback on the feasibility of the exercises already developed and showed to the partners’ consortium some exercises printed in the 3D.
- The online platform that will be developed to contain the exercises and to add new ones.
- The dissemination plan in which there are all the communication actions that partners should follow to promote the project.
- The Exploitation and protection of all material that the consortium will produce.
Partners will meet again for the 4th transnational meeting in which will take place in Palermo from 29th to 30th May 2019.
For more information about the project you can visit the project website, the Facebook and the Twitter page.