IO5-A3 – Webinar about training and job opportunities in EU
Following our second webinar successfully implemented earlier in February 2020, the E3D+VET Consortium is announcing its third webinar, within which the partners will open a dialogue on job and training opportunities for VET students in the field of 3D printing technology in Europe.
The E3D+VET Consortium is glad to announce that two big 3D printing providers, Stratasys and FLAM3D will be among the speakers, giving their own point of view. A major focus will be on the situation related to 3D printing in the European job market.
This webinar is destined to VET students, professionals of education, VET authorities, secondary school teachers and anyone interested in discovering how 3D Printing technology brings new opportunities to VET education and what kind of opportunities it can bring in the long-term in terms of employment.
WHEN: 12th of March 2020 at 15:00 / 3 pm CEST
HOW: via online platform Adobe Connect
LINK: Video link
No account is required to join the webinar.
Do not miss the opportunity: join us on March 12th, we look forward to meeting you!